
Experienced trainers ready to guide you

Change can come through awareness. The mental focus and breathwork required in Pilates, encourage your muscles to respond quicker to training. By teaching Barbara assists her clients in improving their body and mind well‑being.

OUR Talented trainers


What Our Clients Say about our services

Susanne Lourens
After a difficult delivery my body didn’t feel like it was mine anymore. I couldn’t get myself back in shape. Physically and mentally. The step to the gym was too big...
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Susanne Lourens
After a difficult delivery my body didn’t feel like it was mine anymore. I couldn’t get myself back in shape. Physically and mentally. The step to the gym was too big. Barbara put together a perfect ‘step by step’ program which encouraged me to get control over my muscles again. After two months of intensive training I feel balanced, energetic and confident again.
Susanne Lourens
Susanne Lourens
Hanna Zorandy
A wonderful atmosphere of peaceful green, a hidden gem on the Overtoom. Such a precious Pantarei bodywork session by Barbara, full of gentle attentiveness and beautiful listening to my needs and after a clear ...
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Hanna Zorándy
A wonderful atmosphere of peaceful green, a hidden gem on the Overtoom. Such a precious Pantarei bodywork session by Barbara, full of gentle attentiveness and beautiful listening to my needs and after a clear opening in my whole being. Curious adventure of getting back to my body, my whole self.
Hanna Zorandy
Hanna Zorándy
Wendy van Os
‘Forgive the apparent hyperbole, but Pilates has enhanced my life!’ Three years ago I began my sessions with Ginger with some trepidation, but with her ‘customized’ approach I know I am in...
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Wendy van Os
‘Forgive the apparent hyperbole, but Pilates has enhanced my life!’ Three years ago I began my sessions with Ginger with some trepidation, but with her ‘customized’ approach I know I am in good hands. Nowadays I think of life as ‘before’ and ‘after’ Pilates. At the age of 77 my mobility and confidence have increased, and my balance is improving. Also, I am now sure that if I fall, I can get myself upright again. After my hip surgery last year, Ginger literally got me back on my feet and knew exactly which parts to address to strengthen my muscles. Any specific ache or pain that accrues during the week is dealt with as if by magic. Though I realize it’s not magic, but thanks to her expertise and intuition. I’m still discovering and mobilizing body parts I didn’t know existed! My weekly session is something to look forward to, and leaves me feeling more alert and energetic. Wow! Thank you, Ginger, you’ve worked wonders for me – what would I do without you?!
Wendy van Os
Wendy van Os
Joke Hermes
“It is your strength to be able to get very close without invading another person's personal space. I think you can do that because you are a reserved and very involved person,...
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Joke Hermes
“It is your strength to be able to get very close without invading another person's personal space. I think you can do that because you are a reserved and very involved person, so that you understand the art of becoming light as a feather yourself and causing zero unrest. The best thing about somatic therapy is that so much energy starts to flow.”
Joke Hermes
Joke Hermes

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This workshop took place on May 29th

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This workshop took place on November 4th, 10h00-17h00

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