In touch with your heart

2nd October 2023 | News, Workshops

Discovering your desires and expressing your authentic self

Unlock the power of your authenticity in our one-day workshop, ‘In Touch with Your Heart.’ Inside each of us, a world of desires and wishes resides, waiting to be explored and expressed. But how do we truly connect with our authentic selves? Is it a matter of the mind or the body? We say, why not both?

barbara & hanna

Join Barbara and Hanna in this transformative workshop, based on the innovative Pantarei Approach. As somatic bodywork practitioners, we believe that the answers lie within the synergy of mind and body. In a world where many feel disconnected from their inner voice and physical selves, Pantarei Approach provides a profound means for navigating life’s complexities. Through guided verbal communication and the healing power of touch, you will (re)connect to your unique self, uncovering a deeper sense of strength and purpose.


November 4, 2023
Meditatietuin Amstelpark
115 euros

About Hanna Zorándy:

Hanna loves the body and its aliveness. Her love and curiosity brought her on a journey exploring the body and life itself through zooming into the molecular and cellular level. Studying life sciences, she became aware of the intricate workings of our being, but life itself, its aliveness and juiciness was left unknown. After becoming a biologist she realized she needed to know more about that juicy part of life. 

Her first step was going back to yoga, which had supported her since being a kid. Hanna now supports others who wish to learn and build their own daily yoga practice and live their universal aliveness every day. She then turned more towards the body and especially touch. Being touched and giving touch has always been one of her most rewarding experiences. Working with the body through touch and spoken words, Pantarei Approach is a way for her to explore and give space to the wonderful being that we are, the knowledge that we already have and the juiciness of life. Let us shine light on all that uniqueness!

About Barbara Tabaksblat:

Dancing, performing, singing: the possibilities of the human body have always been part of Barbara’s life. While studying at a renowned performing arts academy in London, where 4/5 hours of dance classes a day was part of the curriculum, she pushed her body and mind to the limits. With many injuries as a result of such a regime.

Pilates helped heal the physical injuries and after a career as a singer and actress, she got inspired to teach the method. Barbara is the owner of studio “Ginger Pilates”.

What became clear to her through working with many people, is that experiences and emotions when left unaddressed can nestle themselves into the body and sometimes can’t be accessed through movement alone. The Pantarei Approach, which uses a combination of verbal communication and touch, offers another point of entry to tap into these experiences. Connecting to one’s unique resources can help in any everyday life situation.   

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This workshop took place on November 4th, 10h00-17h00

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