‘Forgive the apparent hyperbole, but Pilates has enhanced my life!’
Three years ago I began my sessions with Ginger with some trepidation, but with her ‘customized’ approach I know I am in good hands. Nowadays I think of life as ‘before’ and ‘after’ Pilates.
At the age of 77 my mobility and confidence have increased, and my balance is improving. Also, I am now sure that if I fall, I can get myself upright again.
After my hip surgery last year, Ginger literally got me back on my feet and knew exactly which parts to address to strengthen my muscles. Any specific ache or pain that accrues during the week is dealt with as if by magic. Though I realize it’s not magic, but thanks to her expertise and intuition. I’m still discovering and mobilizing body parts I didn’t know existed!
My weekly session is something to look forward to, and leaves me feeling more alert and energetic. Wow!
Thank you, Ginger, you’ve worked wonders for me – what would I do without you?!

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This workshop took place on May 29th

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This workshop took place on November 4th, 10h00-17h00

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